A colposcopy is a procedure your Miami, FL doctor may recommend if they see an abnormal area on your cervix during a Pap smear. It also examines other parts such as the vulva and vagina for any signs of diseases or infection. The goal of colposcopy is to determine whether the abnormal cells are precancerous or not. Here are four ways to prepare for a Miami advanced colposcopy procedure so that you can have the best possible experience.
Avoid Vaginal Medications
If you are taking any vaginal medications, such as a cream, suppository, or ring, your doctor may need to biopsy the abnormal cells. This is because the drugs can affect how the colposcope views the area. The main medications to avoid are vaginal creams, suppositories, and rings.
Refrain from Douching
Douching changes the natural pH of the vagina, and it can also wash away the healthy bacteria that live in the vagina. This increases your risk for a vaginal infection. It can also damage the delicate tissues of the vagina. Besides, it makes it challenging to see abnormalities or lesions during a colposcopy.
Avoid Vaginal Sexual Activity
Sexual activity can increase the risk of spreading any abnormal cells present. If you are sexually active, you will need to abstain from sex for at least 48 hours before your colposcopy. Inserting anything, such as a tampon or a finger, into your vagina can increase the risk of spreading any abnormal cells.
Consultations with your specialist are significant to have the best colposcopy because specialists have more knowledge about colposcopy. They may be able to provide you with some advice on preparing for the colposcopy and what to expect. They can also answer any questions that you may have about the procedure. Additionally, they can identify any potential risks that you may face and provide you with the necessary precautions to take.
Don’t Schedule an Appointment During Your Period Week
If you’re able to avoid having your colposcopy during your period week, it’s ideal. The blood can obscure abnormal cells on the cervix and make it difficult to see them. You can also talk with your doctor to get their advice on the best time for you to have the colposcopy.
Learn What to Expect During the Procedure
It’s important to know what to expect during a colposcopy. This will help you to feel more calm and relaxed during the procedure. You can expect to be in the exam room for about 30 minutes. The doctor will first look at your cervix with a speculum.
They will then take a sample of the cells from your cervix using a small brush or a scraping tool. You may experience some cramping during the procedure. Finally, the doctor will inspect your vagina and vulva for any other abnormalities.
By preparing for colposcopy in advance, you can ensure a positive experience. Knowing what to expect will help you feel more relaxed and calm during the procedure.
Colposcopy is a procedure that your doctor may recommend if they see an abnormal area on your cervix during a Pap smear. The goal of colposcopy is to determine whether the abnormal cells are precancerous or not. It’s good to learn ways you can prepare for one to have the best possible experience. You will want to avoid vaginal medications, douching, sexual activity before the procedure.