According to Forbes data, 2.6% of the world’s population suffers from ADHD and around 8.7 million adults in the United States battle ADHD. On the other hand, WHO data records that around 3.6% of the world’s population is struggling with anxiety. The number in the US itself is around 33.6%. The number sounds too shocking even to believe, but the sad reality is that many people are battling ADHD and anxiety on a daily basis.
While they both are different, many people get confused between the symptoms of adhd mckinney and anxiety, which makes it challenging to differentiate between the two.
Are ADHD symptoms and Anxiety symptoms the same?
No.ADHD and anxiety symptoms can appear the same, but the primary difference lies in when and why these symptoms are present. ADHD struggles are present throughout your life, whereas Anxiety’s struggle only appears when you are feeling anxious. However, it is crucial to understand the symptom differences properly so you do not mistake your symptoms for something else. Moreover, properly understanding the symptoms will also help you seek the right treatment.
Common symptoms of ADHD and anxiety
Here are a few common symptoms to look out for.
- Finding it difficult to focus and execute functioning. People with anxiety and ADHD have the symptoms of struggling to focus in common. You might feel you are constantly zoning out or unable to focus, even on minor tasks such as paying attention to what someone is saying when they are talking to you.
- Struggling with sleep. The person may sleep too much or not sleep at all.
- The person may feel easily overwhelmed with small things in day-to-day life. For example, they might feel overwhelmed with a small task assigned to them, such as an assignment, test, or work.
- Feeling restless often. The person may struggle with feeling ‘at ease’ and find themselves constantly fidgeting and being restless even when they are alone.
- Racing thoughts. You may have too many thoughts at once.
Seek support for your symptoms.
A person can struggle with ADHD and anxiety at once. When you are juggling between both, a person can experience symptoms of ADHD and anxiety altogether, making it more challenging to overcome. Remember, it is okay to ask for help. Moreover, you should opt for professional help before it starts affecting your day-to-day life. You can seek active support from a therapist, who can first help you understand your symptoms, run proper diagnosis and provide a reliable and effective plan to improve your life.