Types Of Internet Threats and How They Breach Your Security
The world we live in today has become completely digital. Every small work and every minute transaction can be done online. Online business has increased so much over the decades that we rely on the internet for our security as well. The surveillance system installed in our houses can today be controlled by us through the internet. But there’s a downside to this as criminal activities related to the internet have risen notably. These activities particularly include hacking into the surveillance cameras or other complex criminal activities such as hacking into the Bank accounts. Therefore, we need to know the types of internet threats before taking measures against them.
- Denial of service
This is one of the most common threats as this is how hackers may try to hack into your accounts including the surveillance system of your house. The denial of service is a form of cyberattacks that floods the computer or a network so that it cannot receive any requests. The cyber attackers further, make use of this disabled network to launch other attacks, which may make your accounts vulnerable. And, this can also result in your security cameras being hacked.
- Malware
Malware is yet another form of malicious software, which is activated as soon as the user clicks on a malicious advertisement or link. The webpage is then either redirected to another harmful page or extremely dangerous software starts getting installed. Once malware is activated, it can block a network, hack into your passwords, obtain sensitive information from the hard drive, and even disrupt individual parts. This is one of the most common forms of cybercrime that one should be aware of. Malware can further be used to disrupt your security camera system and keep a tab on your daily activities.
- Phishing
You have probably heard of this particular term but you may not know what it means. Phishing has become the most common threat as it directly involves providing your bank account details. Phishing attacks use fake communication such as emails or text messages to trick the user into opening it and carrying out activities such as providing the credit card number or the security pin. The intention of the hackers here is to either acquire the credit card details of a person or to install malicious software on the user’s device.
One must be always aware of what goes on in the world and how to prevent it to avoid becoming a victim of cybercrime.