Osteoporosis: What Every Woman Needs to Know

Of course, nobody wishes to shatter a bone, and if you have osteoporosis, you are more likely to do so. This bone condition makes your bones porous, losing their typical tissue density and structure. As a result, your bones grow fragile and brittle; hence, they easily fracture. Luckily for you, the expert staff at MyDoc Women’s Health Specialists can help you care for your bones. If you have Boca Raton osteoporosis, your doctor can develop an individualized treatment strategy for you. Meanwhile, you should be aware of the following key facts concerning osteoporosis.

Women Are More Susceptible to Osteoporosis

Women account for 80% of people with osteoporosis in the United States. Osteoporosis in the hip or lumbar spine affects over 20% of women in the United States, as opposed to 4% of males.

So, why are women at greater risk? Women’s bone health depends heavily on estrogen. Women and men gradually lose bone mass every year beginning at age 40.

If women do not take preventative steps, menopause may result in a rapid bone mass loss over a relatively short time. Estrogen is essential for bone health in women, but its amount dramatically declines throughout menopause.

Women Are Susceptible to Bone Fractures Due to Osteoporosis

It is estimated that one in two women will suffer a fracture due to osteoporosis. Fractures are most frequent in the wrist, spine, or hip. 60% of persons with hip fractures require a walking aid one year down the line, and 20% of those above 50 years with hip fractures die from complications.

The most frequent bone fracture linked to osteoporosis is a vertebral compression fracture, which occurs in the back. The spinal bones degenerate and move closer together, resulting in a diminution in height.

Screenings for Bone Density Detect Osteoporosis

If you are a woman without any additional risk factors, you may obtain a bone density scan at 65 years old to establish a baseline. Spine and hip X-rays are rapid and comfortable. If you have one or more of the following risk factors, you must get a bone density screening before 65 years:

  • Drinking or smoking habit
  • Reduced body weight
  • Rheumatoid joint disease
  • Long-term steroids dependency

You Can Aid in Osteoporosis Prevention

Unless you have an illness or sickness such as rheumatoid arthritis, your habits and lifestyle have an unmatched impact on whether you develop osteoporosis.

Weight-bearing workouts maintain strong and healthy bones. Regularly performing resistance workouts with bands or weights, strolling in your neighborhood, or running on an elliptical machine or treadmill are excellent strategies to maintain bone health.

Moreover, take measures to prevent falls. Ensure you have non-skid materials beneath rugs. Wear footwear that is suited for the activity. Likewise, in showers and bathtubs, install rubber mats to make restrooms safe, and always use handrails when climbing stairs.

With aging, an appropriate diet becomes increasingly important. After 50 years, your body absorbs minerals and vitamins less efficiently than during your youth.

Vitamin D and calcium aid in bone development. Women under 50 require no less than 1,000 mg of vitamin D and calcium daily. On the other hand, women above 50 years require approximately 1,200 mg of calcium each day. As a result, consuming dairy, nutritious grains, lean proteins, veggies, and fruits helps prevent osteoporosis.

At MyDoc Women’s Health Specialists, your physician will counsel you on your supplement needs. Vitamin D facilitates calcium absorption. Older folks’ bodies cannot absorb over 500 milligrams at a time; hence, you must ingest calcium twice or thrice a day in lower dosages.

Do not dismiss poor posture, weakened grip, backache, or diminished height as just mild concerns that will resolve with time. Oftentimes, these signs and symptoms point to osteoporosis, a bone condition that causes bone mass loss. For a definitive diagnosis and expert care for your concerns, visit MyDoc Women’s Health Specialists. Your doctor will perform comprehensive diagnostic procedures to confirm a diagnosis and tailor treatment to address your unique concerns. Schedule a consultation today through mobile or request online to discuss your concerns and explore your care options.